MIL in Action aims to empower and inspire teachers to innovate teaching practices and learning tools so teachers and students will learn from each other and become reflective media consumers and creative social actors.
Arniel Ping of St. Stephen's High School
First Classroom Strategy for our MIL in Action series: Sir Arniel Ping’s “Deconstructing Media and Information Text in Advertisements”. Watch the video and see how it’s done! You may adapt the lecture or modify it based on your classroom setting.
Second Classroom Strategy for our MIL in Action series: Ms. Gemma Soneja’s “From Biru-Biruan to Bullying”. Watch the video and see how it’s done! You may adapt the lecture or modify it based on your classroom setting.
Marlon Nombrado of Benedictine International School
Third Classroom Strategy for our MIL in Action series: Our very own, Marlon Nombrado’s “Media Analysis & Deliberation”. Watch the video and see how it’s done! You may adapt the lecture or modify it based on your classroom setting.